The Astrophysics,  Space  Exploration and Quantum Computing Group   


The Astrophysics,  Space  Exploration and Quantum Computing Group   

by Laurențiu Caramete, PhD




















In recent years, observatories such as the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) have begun continuously scanning the sky. This means astronomers can collect “light curves”—records of how an object’s brightness changes over time—for thousands of cosmic objects on an almost daily basis.


Among the studied objects is AT 2021hdr, which initially seemed quite ordinary. Its brightness in the optical band resembled that of a classic Seyfert 1 galaxy—a well-known active galactic nucleus (AGN) recognized for its bright central region powered by a supermassive black hole. Observations at both visible (optical) wavelengths and higher-energy X-ray bands appeared to confirm this usual classification.


However, at the end of 2021, astronomers observed that AT 2021hdr began to exhibit sudden episodes of increased brightness—peaks that appeared and disappeared in a predictable pattern. Instead of a single outburst, these short bursts recurred every 60 to 90 days, each time producing an increase of about 0.2 magnitudes in the optical g and r bands. Similar oscillations were also seen in ultraviolet and X-ray data from NASA’s Swift observatory.


Several explanations were proposed—standard tidal disruption events (TDEs), binary supermassive black hole (BSMBH) systems, and “changing-look” AGNs—but none convincingly account for the details observed in AT 2021hdr. For example, a typical TDE happens when a star comes too close to a single supermassive black hole and is torn apart, generating a bright flare that eventually fades. In contrast, AT 2021hdr shows repeated outbursts, not a single episode of brightening followed by dimming.


It also does not match the signatures of previously observed binary supermassive black holes or the well-documented phenomenon of “changing-look” AGNs, in which a galaxy’s core abruptly shifts from one spectral state to another. Radio observations from the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) did not provide a signal on the milliarcsecond scale, which argues against jet-related scenarios. The pattern of eruptions and their amplitude also appear inconsistent with typical disk or jet instabilities.


In a new study, researchers propose that a binary supermassive black hole system—two black holes orbiting one another in the heart of the same galaxy—could be shredding a cloud of gas, rather than a single star. The gravitational dance of the black holes in this configuration could lead to repeated episodes of increased brightness, as the displaced gas interacts with the system.


Based on the observed outbursts, the study estimates that the separation between the two black holes is about 0.83 milliparsecs (mpc). On cosmic timescales, this pair would merge in a relatively short period of about 70,000 years, although for humans that is still extraordinarily long.


As if the scenario were not already complex enough, the galaxy hosting AT 2021hdr lies only 9 kiloparsecs from a companion galaxy—a distance that suggests the two galaxies might also merge. This two-galaxy system was reported recently, but the authors emphasize that the companion galaxy is unlikely to be responsible for the eruptive behavior of AT 2021hdr.


If confirmed, the tidal destruction of a gas cloud by a binary black hole would offer a rare opportunity to study the final stages of black hole mergers.


From the abyss of the Mediterranean Sea, the KM3NeT Collaboration announces the detection of a cosmic neutrino with a record-breaking energy of about 220 PeV…


An extraordinary event consistent with a neutrino with an estimated energy of about 220 PeV (220 million billion electron volts), was detected on February 13, 2023 by the ARCA detector of the kilometre cubic neutrino telescope (KM3NeT) in the deep sea. This event, named KM3-230213A, is the most energetic neutrino ever observed and provides the first evidence that neutrinos of such high energies are produced in the Universe. After long and meticulous work to analyse and interpret the experimental data, today,

February 12, 2025, the international scientific collaboration of KM3NeT* reports the details of this amazing discovery in an article published in Nature.

The detected event was identified as a single muon which crossed the entire detector, inducing signals in more than one third of the active sensors. The inclination of its trajectory combined with its enormous energy provides compelling evidence that the muon originated from a cosmic neutrino interacting in the vicinity of the detector.


“KM3NeT has begun to probe a range of energy and sensitivity where detected neutrinos

may originate from extreme astrophysical phenomena. This first ever detection of a

neutrino of hundreds of PeV opens a new chapter in neutrino astronomy and a new

observational window on the Universe.”, comments Paschal Coyle, KM3NeT

Spokesperson at the time of the detection, and researcher at IN2P3/CNRS Centre

National de la Recherche Scientifique – Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille,



The high-energy universe is the realm of cataclysmic events such as accreting supermassive black holes at the centre of some galaxies, supernova explosions, gamma ray bursts, all as yet not fully understood. These powerful cosmic accelerators, generate streams of particles called cosmic rays. Some cosmic rays may interact with matter or photons around the source, to produce neutrinos and photons. During the travel of the most energetic cosmic rays across the Universe, some may also interact with photons of the cosmic microwave background radiation, to produce extremely energetic so-called “cosmogenic” neutrinos.


“Neutrinos are one of the most mysterious of elementary particles. They have no electric

charge, almost no mass and interact only weakly with matter. They are special cosmic

messengers, bringing us unique information on the mechanisms involved in the most

energetic phenomena and allowing us to explore the farthest reaches of the Universe.”, 

explains Rosa Coniglione, KM3NeT Deputy-Spokesperson at the time of the detection,

researcher at the INFN National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy.


Although neutrinos are the second most abundant particle in the Universe after photons (light), their extremely weak interaction with matter makes them very hard to detect and requires enormous detectors. The KM3NeT neutrino telescope, currently under construction, is a giant deep sea infrastructure distributed across two detectors ARCA and ORCA. In its final configuration KM3NeT will occupy a volume of more than one cubic kilometre. KM3NeT uses sea water as the interaction medium for neutrinos. Its high-tech optical modules, detect the Cherenkov light, a bluish glow that is generated during the propagation through the water of the ultra-relativistic particles produced in neutrino interactions.
























“To determine the direction and energy of this neutrino required a precise calibration of

the telescope and sophisticated track reconstruction algorithms. Furthermore, this

remarkable detection was achieved with only one tenth of the final configuration of the

detector, demonstrating the great potential of our experiment for the study of neutrinos

and for neutrino astronomy”, comments Aart Heijboer, KM3NeT Physics and Software

Manager at the time of the detection, and researcher at Nikhef National Institute for

Subatomic Physics, The Netherlands.


The KM3NeT/ARCA (Astroparticle Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) detector is mainly dedicated to the study of the highest energy neutrinos and their sources in the Universe. It is located at 3450 m depth, about 80 km from the coast of Portopalo di Capo Passero, Sicily. Its 700 m high detection units (DUs) are anchored to the seabed and positioned about 100 m apart. Every DU is equipped with 18 Digital Optical Modules (DOM) each containing 31 photomultipliers. In its final configuration, ARCA will comprise 230 DUs. The data collected are transmitted via a submarine cable to the shore station at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud.

The KM3NeT/ORCA (Oscillation Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) detector is optimised to study the fundamental properties of the neutrino itself. It is located at a depth of 2450 m, about 40 km from the coast of Toulon, France. It will comprise 115 DUs, each 200 m high and spaced by 20 m. The data collected by ORCA are sent to the shore station at La Seyne Sur Mer.


"The scale of KM3NeT, eventually encompassing a volume of about one cubic kilometre

with a total of about 200 000 PMTs, along with its extreme location in the abyss of the

Mediterranean Sea, demonstrates the extraordinary efforts required to advance neutrino

astronomy and particle physics. The detection of this event is the result of a tremendous

collaborative effort between many international teams of engineers, technicians and

scientists.", comments Miles Lindsey Clark, KM3NeT Technical Project Manager at the

time of the detection, and research engineer at the IN2P3/CNRS - Astroparticle and

Cosmology laboratory, France.


This ultra-high energy neutrino may originate directly from a powerful cosmic accelerator. Alternatively, it could be the first detection of a cosmogenic neutrino. However, based on this single neutrino it is difficult to conclude on its origin. Future observations will focus on detecting more such events to build a clearer picture. The ongoing expansion of KM3NeT with additional detection units and the acquisition of additional data will improve its sensitivity and enhance its ability to pinpoint cosmic neutrino sources, making it a leading contributor to multi-messenger astronomy.




This article was  taken from the official press release.

by Răzvan Balașov, PhD


Credit: Vera Rubin Observatory /

Following last week’s news about a better determination of Hubble’s constant, we must add that other scientific efforts also help in this process. In the near future, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, a state-of-the-art telescope that is being built in Chile, will transform how astronomers study the expansion of the Universe. Once it will be operational, it will be able to track millions of supernovae (Type Ia) — explosions that occur when white dwarf stars pull in too much material from their companion stars. These supernovae are known as "standard candles" because they shine with a predictable brightness, allowing scientists to measure vast cosmic distances and investigate dark energy, the force driving the accelerated expansion of the Universe.

When the Rubin Observatory begins its 10-year Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), it will collect an enormous amount of data on these stellar explosions, spanning different distances and galaxy types. This data will help researchers refine their understanding of dark energy and determine whether its properties have remained constant over time or have changed. 

























Astronomer Anais Möller, a member of the Rubin/LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration, emphasized the importance of this project, noting that Rubin’s vast dataset will allow scientists to study a wide variety of Type Ia supernovae under different cosmic conditions.

By closely analyzing the light from these supernovae, scientists hope to build a clearer picture of how the Universe has expanded over billions of years. The findings could either confirm current cosmological models or reveal new aspects of dark energy that challenge what we think we know about the cosmos.




Type I supernova (Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)

by Răzvan Balașov, PhD


Image credit: Shutterstock


A recent study from Duke University has added new information to the ongoing question regarding the Universe's expansion, often referred to as the "Hubble tension." This issue arises from a discrepancy that scientists measuring the Universe’s expansion rate (the Hubble constant) are getting. There are different results depending on the method used. The new findings suggest that our current understanding of cosmology may need adjustments to account for a faster-than-expected expansion.

To calculate the Hubble constant, astronomers rely on a method called the cosmic distance ladder, which means various techniques are used to determine how far away celestial objects are. In this study, researchers used data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), which collects observations of over 100,000 galaxies every night. 












(Left) The locations of the SNe Ia identified to be in the Coma cluster (yellow stars) and the galaxies identified to be in the Coma group as from the full S24Coma group catalog (light gray circles), the S24FP sample (dark blue circles), and the T15Coma group catalog (light blue circles). The center of the cluster is marked in red. The positions of the SNe are listed in Table1. (Right) For the rectangular box on the left, a colored image of that sky area with the SNe within that location marked (Credit: D. Scolnic et al. 2025, The Hubble Tension in Our Own Backyard: DESI and the Nearness of the Coma Cluster, ApJL979L9).



A key part of their approach involved accurately measuring the distance to the Coma Cluster, a massive collection of galaxies about 320 million light-years away. They accomplished this by analyzing the brightness patterns of 12 Type Ia supernovae—exploding stars that have a well-known characteristic named luminosity, making them useful for measuring cosmic distances.

The researchers determined a Hubble constant value of 76.5 kilometers per second per megaparsec. This value aligns with other recent measurements of the nearby Universe but remains at a stanstill with predictions based on observations of the more distant cosmos. Lead author Dan Scolnic pointed out that this growing inconsistency may indicate deeper issues with the standard cosmological model. Therefore, the study also highlights the need for a fresh look at current theories to resolve the contradictions in our understanding of how fast the Universe is expanding.

by Alice Păun, PhD student


ANITA (ANtarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna) is an instrument mounted on a hot-air balloon, optimized to detect polarized radio emissions originating from the electromagnetic component of cosmic ray cascades formed in the atmosphere. ANITA can detect these emissions either reflected off the surface of glaciers or directly, without reflection, from descending events near the horizon. These two types of signals can be easily distinguished due to the phase inversion that occurs when the wave is reflected. Two of the experiment’s flights, ANITA-I and ANITA-III, detected two unusual upward-going events (27.4° and 35° below the horizon) that behave like direct signals, even though they reach the detector at angles typical of reflected signals.

Starting from a 2016 article by the ANITA Collaboration, the observation of these unusual events and the vague explanations regarding their origins led to highly creative but incorrect interpretations by journalists, causing confusion among the general public. Most media reports claimed that researchers had uncovered evidence of an anti-Universe, a parallel universe identical to ours, where time flows backward, and the Big Bang marks its end, not its beginning, as in our universe.

Following this discovery, the scientific community proposed various scenarios, both within the Standard Model (SM) and beyond (BSM), to interpret these high-energy upward-going signals. One of the most promising SM strategies involves neutrinos passing “tangentially” through the Earth (traversing a shorter distance through the planet before exiting), producing electrically charged leptons that lose minimal energy before initiating the particle cascades observed by ANITA. The particle most likely fitting this model is the tau neutrino (ντ), which produces τ leptons through interactions with nucleons. Given the high energies of the two observed events, focusing on tangential neutrinos is explained by the fact that as neutrino energy increases, so does their interaction cross-section (probability of interaction with matter). For energies above 10 GeV, the Earth becomes opaque to neutrinos [Ref1]. While neutrinos are often dubbed the “ghost particles” of the universe due to their near-zero mass and weak interactions, allowing them to travel vast distances unimpeded, at very high energies, their probability of interacting increases, making them more likely to reveal themselves.

Researchers also explored more daring scenarios involving beyond-the-standard-model (BSM) interpretations of these two atypical signals. Proposed models focusing on BSM particles fall into three main categories:

1.    Astrophysical neutrinos interact within the Earth and are converted into BSM particles that propagate through matter and eventually reconvert into SM particles capable of initiating electromagnetic cascades like those observed by ANITA. (

2.    Dark Matter accumulated inside the Earth decays, generating BSM particles that convert into SM particles near the glacier surface, inducing upward-going electromagnetic cascades.

3.    Sterile neutrinos, potentially arising from Dark Matter decay, travel long distances through the Earth, producing τ leptons via interactions with nucleons near the Earth’s surface, which then generate electromagnetic cascades. ( ,

Up to now, researchers have not provided definitive evidence for any scenario that explains these two high-energy upward-going events within the constraints of the Standard Model. Although none of the proposed BSM scenarios have been confirmed, such a discovery could have significant implications for fundamental physics, potentially bringing us closer to understanding Dark Matter, which, together with Dark Energy, constitutes approximately 95% of the universe, leaving only 5% as ordinary matter. Thus, while no solid explanation for these anomalies exists yet, the purported evidence of a parallel universe remains far from a valid solution to this puzzle.

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